Monday, March 3, 2025

Interview: Malta’s Amber talks about “Worrior” and preparations for Vienna

Good Evening Europe talked to Amber, winner of the Maltese Final and the representative of Malta at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna.

Good Evening Europe
: First of all, congratulations on winning MESC: how did it feel to be finally crowned winner in your 5th participation in the contest?

Amber: “It felt very good. I was thrilled, excited and overjoyed. It’s a great honour to be chosen to represent Malta in Vienna.”

Good Evening Europe: Could you tell us a little about your song “Warrior”, the story behind it and what it means to you?

Amber: “Well, everybody in life faces problems and challenges. The song is about finding your inner strength and overcoming these difficulties. It’s a powerful song with a strong message. It is rousing and I hope people will find inspiration from it.”

Good Evening Europe.: According to a new rule made by PBS, you can change your song before Vienna: Can we expect changes?

Amber: “Yes you can. We have been reworking the song to make it sound as best it possibly can. I think the song is the star. It must be allowed to shine.”

Good Evening Europe: Could you tell us about the staging for Vienna?

Amber: “Nothing is finalised yet. We are going to say no to gimmicks. The important thing is to not distract from the song”.

Good Evening Europe: How are you preparing for Vienna?

Amber: “I’m working on my voice of course. And there’s a lot else to do – making a video, media appearances and interviews and the like. I hope to promote Warrior in a few countries before we get to Vienna but I’m still at University and it’s important I don’t let my studies suffer. In fact I have to sit an exam on the Monday following the Eurovision final”.

Good Evening Europe: Are you a Eurovision-fan – and could you reveal one/some of your favorite Eurovision-songs?

Amber: “I am a big Eurovision fan. The show is hugely popular in Malta and it was a big honour for us to host the final of Junior Eurovision last November. That was a huge success and one day we hope to host the Eurovision itself. If I could secure that for 2016 by winning in Vienna in May I would be thrilled”.

“I have lots of favourites but I particularly liked Malta’s “Desire”, sung by Claudette Pace in 2000, and “Euphoria”, the winning song for Sweden’s Loreen in 2012. I was there in Baku when Loreen won. I performed as second singer to Malta’s Kurt Calleja that year”.

Good Evening Europe: And finally: Do you have a message for the readers of Good Evening Europe?

Amber: “I know the reason Eurovision is such a big success is down to its army of loyal fans and I send big kisses to everyone of them”.

“It’s a special moment every May when we hear those words “Good Evening Europe” and I hope this year’s show will be the best ever”.

“My message is: if you like my song please vote for it, and please visit our official Facebook fan page: or have a look at the website of our national TV channel”

We would like to thank Amber for this interview and wish her the best of luck in Eurovision Song Contest 2015!

Video and new version of “Warrior”

PBS will be presenting “WARRIOR“, together with the music video on Monday 9th March 2015 at 16:00 (CET) at Creativity Hub, in G’Mangia. The song and the video will be available at and after the premiere.

A short preview of the video is available on the official Maltese Eurovision facebook fan page


Amber is only 23 but she is already a Eurovision veteran. She has competed in Malta Eurovision five times, finally winning the contest for 2015. And she actually performed at the Eurovision final in Baku in 2012, as a backing singer for Malta’s entrant that year, Kurt Calleja.

Amber was a keen student of judo as a youngster, obtaining a Green Belt before an injury forced her to quit at the age of 15. Since then she’s put her competitive energy into music, gaining success in local talent shows.

She has performed with the world famous tenor, Joseph Calleja, and hung out with Ronan Keating and Blue when they visited Malta.

Amber is in her 3rd year at University, studying for a Bachelor of Education in early childhood, and hopes to become a primary school teacher. But Amber’s number one passion is music and her dream is to secure a recording contract and perform in other countries.

Her own singing heroes are Etta James, Beyonce and Ray Charles.

Amber enjoys voluntary work. She spent 3 weeks working for a charity in Tanzania in 2013 and plans to return this summer. She also spent time helping young kids in need in Reggio Calabria in Italy.

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