Irland: Hør radiopremieren på Ryan O’shaughnessy’s bidrag “Together”

Den tidligere Britain’s Got Talent finalist og Voice of Ireland-deltager Ryan O’Shaughnessy repræsenterer i år Irlands ved Eurovision Song Contest. Han skal synge balladen ‘Together’, som er skrevet af Mark Halpin, Mark Caplice, Laura Elizabeth Hughes og O’Shaughnessy selv. I dag blev sangen spillet på irsk radio for første gang.

“As one of three songwriters on Together, I’m delighted it has been chosen to represent Ireland in Eurovision 2018, and on top of that, to be asked to perform for my country is an absolute honour,” siger Ryan.

Sangen er blevet til i samarbejde med The Nucleus, et nyt irsk sangskriverteam grundlagt af Hamlet Sweeney og ifølge Ryan så kan vi se frem til en sang og optræden, hvis lige vi ikke har set siden The Rock n’ Roll-kids-dagene.


“I plan on doing Ireland proud by bringing a song and performance to Eurovision that we haven’t seen since the days of Rock and Roll Kids.”

“Last year’s winning song from Salvador Sobral was a beautiful, melodic piece, and I think it may have carved the way for the Eurovision to revert back to being a song contest where true songs can flourish. I can’t wait to get onto that stage and perform an honest piece for millions of people”

I dag havde sangen premiere i radioen og du kan lytte til den herunder: