Sunday, March 2, 2025

Graham Soult


Artikler skrevet af denne forfatter

Final: Eurovision expert Graham Soult reviews the 2014 contenders

Having already ploughed my way through the 31 contenders in the first and second Eurovision Semi Finals, mustering the...

Semi Final 2: Eurovision expert Graham Soult reviews the 2014 contenders

After already casting my eye over this year’s first Semi Final, it’s now time to turn my attention to...

Semi Final 1: Eurovision expert Graham Soult reviews the 2014 contenders

As Jessica Garlick would say (in the days when the UK still troubled the top half of the scoreboard),...

Sverige topper OGAE-afstemningen

Der er fuld gang i OGAE-afstemningerne rundt i Europa, en lang række OGAE-klubber har officielt afgivet deres stemmer, og du kan se resultaterne herun
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