Home Eurovision Song Contest Copyright-problemer og ny sang i Bulgarien

Copyright-problemer og ny sang i Bulgarien

Den bulgarske tv-station BNT har besluttet at udskifte den sang, som de
bulgarske tv-seere valgte i finalen for godt en uge siden. Elitsa & Stoyan vil i
stedet repræsentere Bulgarien med sangen "Samo Shampioni", som blev nummer 2 i
finalen, i øvrigt med samme antal points som Kismet. Samo Shampioni vandt
juryafstemningen, mens Kismet vandt seer-afstemningen og ifølge reglerne var det
nok til sejr ved stemmelighed.

Den officielle forklaring er copyright-problemer, som kan ses i nedenstående
officielle udtalelse fra BNT.
Blandt fans på diverse sociale medier tales der dog om en anden årsag til
sangændringen. Her lyder forklaringen, at Elitsa & Stoyan var utilfredse med
vindersangen og ønskede at repræsentere Bulgarien med deres egen favorit, nemlig
"Samo Shampioni". Der peges desuden på de mange negative kommentarer fra

Her er Bulgariens nye bidrag:

BNT har udsendt nedenstående officielle udtalelse i sagen:

BNT withdraws song Kismet from the contest because of copyright

Bulgarian National Television (BNT) has been forced to withdraw the song
Kismet from the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest, after it was chosen to
represent Bulgaria through a transparent process that involved established
music professionals and an audience vote.

The decision was made after it became clear that BNT could not reach an
agreement about copyright, in accordance with the requirements of the
international competition, with one of the authors of the song, Jonatan
Tesei, a musician and producer from Argentina. BNT was misinformed by
the Bulgarian producer of the song Kismet, that all copyright issues had
been settled and a declaration to this effect was deposited with BNT.

Only after the song was chosen, on March 3 2013, BNT was informed that
Jonatan Tesei was not consulted about the final version of the song. In line
with the requirements of the contest, BNT must provide a final audio track
version, with no further adjustments, by March 18 2013.

For these reasons, BNT has decided that it will enter the song “Only
Champions” in Eurovision 2013. This song won the jury vote and was second
among viewers preferences. A withdrawal by BNT at this stage would
mean having to pay penalties.

Elitsa Todorova and Stoyan Yankulov support this decision and state that
they will give their best to represent Bulgaria with honour.

BNT thanks again all of its viewers who took part in the choice of the
Bulgarian song for Eurovision 2013, as well as all other fans of the contest,
who are excited by the chance for Bulgarian performers to represent the
countrys musical traditions on the world stage.

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