Monday, March 31, 2025

Elina’s dress projections saved by eleventh hour sponsorship

Elina Nechayeva’s projection dress will be present on the Eurovision stage after a last minute sponsorship deal raised the funds required.

The Estonian delegation struck a deal with Saku Suurhall, Carglass, Estravel and River Island. Additional funding was provided by Elina’s management and Estonian Public Broadcasting.

Estonian Head of Delegation, Mart Normet has spent the last few weeks lobbying the Estonian Government and private sector to try and generate the large amount of money required for the projectors.

“Eurovision can be a tough game when you are a small nation with big ideas, so we are thrilled that a solution was found,” said Normet.

“I know there are some sceptics out there who thought that this was all a publicity stunt and they may never fully believe us, but we were incredibly close to having to pull the plug on the projector dress all together. We had a different act with a new lighting and camera plan ready to go just in case,” he said.

Elina Nechayeva has been busy preparing for her Eurovision performance and was thrilled when she learned that the projection dress would go ahead.

“My main goal is to go out there and do my absolute best. I know that I would be able to do this regardless of what dress I am wearing, but I think this projection dress truly represents the message of all powerful, universal love and that is what La Forzais all about,” she said.

“I am so thankful to all the sponsors for their help, the Estonian team who have worked so hard to make this happen and to all the fans out there who have sent me messages of support. I cannot wait to go out there and make you all proud.”

Mart Normet finally spoke of his utmost respect for Elina and his pleasure that the Estonian team’s Eurovision performance dreams will be a reality.

“Elina is an incredible singer and performer, so we were never worried about the quality of her performance, but we are so happy that we can deliver to Europe and the world what we believe will be a truly impressive television moment,” he said.

The Estonian delegation would like to thank Saku Suurhall, Carglass, Estravel and River Island for their incredible support.

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