Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Interview with Mørland: Our song is about facing your inner demons

Good Evening Europe talked to Kjetil Mørland, who will represent Norway along with Debrah Scarlett in Eurovision Song Contest 2015 with the song “A monster like me”.

Good Evening Europe: First of all congratulations on being selected as Norway’s representatives in Eurovision Song Contest 2015! What does it mean to you to represent Norway?

It’s a great honour for us. We never expected to get this far. It’s only a few days till we head off to Vienna – can’t wait!

Good Evening Europe: Could you introduce us to your your musical careers so far, and what has been you biggest (musical) achievements?

I’ve been the front man and songwriter of the British band Absent Elk for a good few years. We released the album ‘Caught in the Headlights’ and did a lot of touring around the UK, including support tours for bands like The Script, Keane and Girls Aloud where we played arenas like the O2 in London. It was a very exciting time shared with some of my best friends.

Good Evening Europe: Can you tell us a little about your song “A monster like me” and the rather dark lyrics of the song, and what is the message?

A Monster Like Me is to me about facing your inner demons and coming to terms with who you are and your mistakes. None of us are perfect and it’s very human to have some baggage you’re not proud of. Sometimes these things can weigh on us and bring us down, maybe even ruin our relationship with the people we love.

Good Evening Europe: Mørland, why was Debrah the perfect singer for “A monster like me”?

has just the kind of character in her voice that I was after. A fragility that really resonates with the mood in the song. I’m very glad she wanted to join me.

Good Evening Europe: You music video ends up in a foodfight – What’s that about 🙂 ?

Well, the idea was that whatever we spiked the champaign with at the start of the video would bring out the monster in our guests and let the seemingly perfect facade fall. But we realised that we wanted to keep the video quite open to interpretation and like the song itself, a bit mysterious. So that’s why it hasn’t really got a clear chronological story as such.

Good Evening Europe: And how was the shooting of the video 🙂 ? Did you get enough of flying food by the end of the shoot?

It was a great day. We’d gathered lots of friends to help and my cousin directed it. Everyone did such an amazing job and we owe them a big favour!

Good Evening Europe: Can you reveal a little bit about your stage performance in Vienna?

It will be music focused, simplistic, dramatic and timeless

Good Evening Europe: Are the two of you working on any new projects besides Eurovision?

Yes, we’re both working on our own material, but now all the focus is on us as a duo. We’re doing more shows together this summer and what happens after Eurovision is all out in the open. Watch this space!;)

Good Evening Europe: Do you watch Eurovision and could you reveal your favorite(s) from the history of the contest?

Eurovision is a bit of a new world to me. I never realised it was this huge! I watched all of last years show though and thought the audience did a good job in selecting the winner. It’s a great song performed by an artist with lots of charisma. I also enjoyed the song from the Netherlands.

Good Evening Europe: Do you have a special message for your fans and the readers of www.Good-evening-europe.dk (Denmark)?

Good luck to Denmark! Hope your boys do you proud and that you get lots of votes from your neighbour across the north sea! Check out our song if you haven’t already and feel free to get in touch on our Facebook (www.facebook.com/morlandanddebrahscarlett). We try to answer everybody. See you soon!

Connect with Mørland and Debrah Scarlett

Mørland & Debrah Scarlett on Facebook
Mørland on Facebook
Debrah on Facebook
@debrahscarlett (Instagram)
@kjetilmorland (Instagram)

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