Wednesday, March 5, 2025

PR: WURST releases “FORWARD” for Pride Month

WURST released the light-hearted title “Forward”, which not only stands for the artist’s inner urge for constant creative and personal development, but also encourages listeners to take responsibility and to firmly stand in for the things important to them. 

During the last Life Ball on Saturday, in addition to hosting the opening (live broadcast on ORF), the Austrian electro-pop newcomer will perform his new song as part of the show. Additionally, he will also perform “Hit Me”, the most popular single off the upcoming electronic album “Truth Over Magnitude” that counts more than 2.4 million YouTube views for the official music video alone.  

WURST, who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014 as Conchita Wurst, is also involved as official ambassador for EuroPride, a series of events that has been immersing Vienna in rainbow colours for a week already. In that role, he will appear during EuroPride Vienna on Saturday, June 15, both during the Parade along the Ring road as well as show act during the closing ceremony. 

“Forward” is the fifth track off the album “Truth Over Magnitude” which will be available in autumn and has been produced by Albin Janoska and written by Eva Klampfer (“Lylit”). Just like the four other singles that have already been released, the song directs the view into a self-determined future in which which no-one has to ask for permission to live their life according to their own rules. 

Listen to “Forward” by WURST

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